How to write the best Dockerfile in 2023

Suman Sourav
4 min readApr 26, 2023

As a developer, one of the most challenging tasks is to deploy an application to different environments. Every environment may have its unique dependencies, configurations, and security policies that you need to consider while deploying the application. This is where Docker comes in as a lifesaver.

Docker provides a containerized environment for running applications that contain all the necessary dependencies, configurations, and libraries required to run the application on any platform. You can easily create, share, and run Docker images across different environments, which makes it easy to deploy and maintain your application.

However, creating a Docker image is not an easy task. Writing a Dockerfile is a bit tricky, and there are some best practices that you should follow to ensure that your Docker image is efficient, secure, and easy to maintain. In this article, we will discuss the best practices for writing a Dockerfile.

1. Keep It Simple

The first rule of Dockerfile writing is to keep it simple. A Dockerfile with fewer steps is easier to maintain and update. The image should only include the necessary dependencies and configurations for your application to function. If your Docker image has too many layers, it can cause issues with build time, image size, and security.

2. Use Official Base Images

Docker Hub provides official base images that are tested, optimized for performance and security, and frequently updated with the latest patches and upgrades. Using an official base image saves you time and effort, as you don’t have to worry about installing the dependencies and libraries required for your application. It also ensures that your Docker image is secure and reliable.

3. Minimize the Number of Layers

Each line in a Dockerfile creates a new layer in the Docker image. The more layers, the larger the image size, which can lead to longer build times and larger storage requirements. You should try to minimize the number of layers by using multi-line commands and chaining multiple commands in a single RUN instruction.

4. Order the Instructions Carefully

The order of instructions in a Dockerfile is crucial. You should always place the instructions that change the least at the top and the instructions that change frequently at the bottom. This will ensure that Docker can cache the intermediate layers, which can speed up the build process.

5. Clean Up After Yourself

When you install dependencies and libraries, it’s important to clean up the installation files and temporary files. This will reduce the image size and improve the security of the image. You can use the RUN rm command to remove the files that you don't need in the Docker image.

6. Avoid Storing Sensitive Data in the Docker Image

Storing sensitive data like passwords, access keys, and certificates in the Docker image can compromise the security of the image. Instead, use environment variables to store sensitive data that can be injected into the container at runtime.

7. Use .dockerignore File

When building a Docker image, Docker will copy all files in the build context directory to the image, including files that are not required. To prevent unnecessary files from being copied to the image, you can use a .dockerignore file to specify files and directories that should be excluded from the build context.

8. Use Specific Tags for Base Images

When using a base image, it’s best to use a specific tag instead of the latest tag. The latest tag can change at any time, which can cause issues with the consistency and reliability of your Docker image. By using a specific tag, you can ensure that your Docker image uses a consistent version of the base image.

9. Run Only One Process Per Container

Each container should run only one process. This is because Docker containers are designed to be disposable and replaceable. If you run multiple processes in a single container, it can be challenging to replace or scale the container if one of the processes fails.

10. Use ENV Instruction Instead of ARG Instruction

The ENV instruction sets an environment variable that is available to the container at runtime. The ARG instruction sets a variable that is only available during the build process. It’s best to use the ENV instruction instead of the ARG instruction to set environment variables that are required at runtime.

By following these best practices, you can create Docker images that are efficient, secure, and easy to maintain. These best practices will help you build Docker images that can be easily deployed across different environments and platforms.

In addition to these best practices, it’s important to ensure that your Docker image is compliant with industry standards and regulations. In my next article, we’ll dive deeper into Dockerfile compliance and explore tools and techniques for automating compliance checks and integrating them into your CI/CD pipeline.

